Know all about it and all ready to sign up?
What’s the difference between a box CSA and a Market Style CSA?
Both styles have their own benefits. Both options result in the best selection of delicious veggies for you during the growing season. A box CSA is exactly that, you pick up a box full of veggies each week! Need more details? Tell me more!
A Market Style CSA is a credit at the stand. You get to shop for what you want at either of our markets. For more details - check this out!
What is a CSA?
Community Supported Agriculture is a seasonal contract between the farmer and the member. You purchase a share of the season’s harvest in advance. Your investment plays a major roll in supporting farmers at the leaner time of the year. CSA’s help pay for the seeds, soil amendments, and tools at the beginning of the farming season, when a majority of the spending happens all at once. In return, we commit to providing you with healthy, locally grown food throughout the growing season. This interdependence helps to ensure the longevity of small farms, while also reconnecting people to the land that helps to sustain them.
The Rewards
Being a CSA member is extremely rewarding. You get to appreciate all the benefits of fresh picked (chemical-free) produce. There is no comparison to farm fresh locally produced vegetables! The flavors are so intense, sometimes you feel like you are tasting something for the very first time. You also get to enjoy each vegetable in it’s prime season. The juiciest tomato you’ve ever eaten has certainly been picked vine ripe in the hottest part of the summer. And the only way to find fresher is if you picked it yourself! By being a member, you get to participate first hand in a delicious seasonal ride through a wide range of vegetables - Ten Mile grows over forty varieties!
To Join
We take shares on a first come first serve basis. We strongly encourage those folks who can pay in full to do so. If some extra time is needed, we are open to some payment options.
Please send us an email if you want to pay by check or call 828.236.1822 if you are interested in joining and have any questions.
The Risk
There are risks to participating in a CSA. You experience our hardships as well as our bounty. There are many factors to producing a single crop from start to finish. Seed, weather, workers, timing - all of these contribute to the success (and sometimes the failure) of a crop. One of the benefits of how we farm is the wide variety of vegetables that we grow. Consider it crop insurance. Because of the diversity of growing over forty varieties of vegetables, the ratio of crop failure is low, and only a few crops ultimately suffer through the year (i.e. ground hogs ate it, pest infestation, poor germination of seeds, to name a few that we have experience). Another benefit is that we do succession plantings of numerous crops. We are continuously planting these crops throughout the season, so if something happens, there’s another planting on the way - lettuce for example. There are natural occurrences such as hail, floods, and drought that can have a greater impact on the availability of all the crops, as a whole. Yes, a flooded field would strongly affect your share. This is ultimately the risk that you agree to take with us, as a CSA member of a small vegetable farm.
We will email you to let you know when we start market. Once we start market, we can be found Saturdays at Asheville City Market, located on AB TECH campus (due to covid restrictions) 9-12pm. We are also offering a pick up Tuesdays at the farm in Old Fort, NC. Please email us if you are interested! send us an email